Built With VA’s – Latest Episodes

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Built With VA’s Amazing Guests!

Beka Shea – Executive Advisor at Culture Index

Shark, Sunshine, Shephard – what kind of leader are you?

Polly Mertens – Habit & Success Coach

How to Create Life-Changing Habits with Polly Mertens

Mike Simmons – Entrepreneur, Coach and Author

Top Hiring Strategies for Million-Dollar Success

Kristen Thompson – Real Estate Agent and Investor

Kristen Thompson: “My VA got me 9 listings in a month”

Jon Lallande – Sales Coach, Real Estate Investor

Make $100k+ EVERY MONTH with these strategies!

Adam Whitney – Business Advisor, Real Estate Investor

Create a well-oiled machine with Virtual Assistants

Ron Angel – Real Estate Investor and Coach

From W2 to Real Estate Success in 1 Year