Boost Your Productivity: Why Delegation Is Important for Any Entrepreneur

by | Apr 4, 2024

   As an entrepreneur, your days are a whirlwind of planning, problem-solving, decision-making, and wearing multiple hats to keep your business running smoothly. With so many balls in the air, it’s all too easy to feel swamped and stuck in a never-ending cycle of tasks and responsibilities piling up on your plate. The ironic thing is, the very things demanding your undivided attention while you’re hustling to grow your business are often the very barriers preventing you from achieving genuine productivity and scalability.

   This is the entrepreneur’s productivity paradox: the more successful your venture becomes, the less time and energy you may have for the high-impact, strategic work that truly fuels growth. So, how do you solve this catch-22? By embracing delegation, a powerful strategy that can help you multiply your output and unlock your full potential as an entrepreneurial visionary.

At Hire Train VA, we understand the immense value of your time and the critical importance of having a dedicated team to support your growth ambitions. That’s why we’ve brought together a squad of highly skilled, meticulously trained virtual assistants (VAs) who are ready to become your secret weapon for success. Join us for our free delegation workshop for entrepreneurs and learn how to leverage the power of virtual assistants to skyrocket your productivity and growth.

   Delegation is pivotal for any entrepreneur because, by entrusting repetitive, low-value tasks to capable team members or virtual assistants, you can reclaim countless hours that would otherwise be consumed by administrative work, data entry, scheduling, or customer service inquiries. Delegation is the ultimate productivity multiplier for entrepreneurs, allowing you to leverage the skills and expertise of others, freeing up your time and mental bandwidth to focus on what truly matters most.

The Delegation Dilemma: Why Entrepreneurs Struggle to Let Go

Delegation has clear benefits, but many entrepreneurs find it hard to give up power and let others do their work.

Some common reasons are:

  • Fear of losing control: As the visionary and driving force behind your business, it can be difficult to let go of tasks you’ve always handled yourself.
  • Trust issues: Delegating requires placing trust in others to deliver quality work, which can be daunting.
  • Cost concerns: Hiring additional help may seem like an unnecessary expense, especially for cash-strapped startups.

   However, these concerns are frequently caused by the wrong ideas about delegation. Giving tasks to other people without thinking about it is not an effective way to delegate. Instead, you should use other people’s skills and knowledge in a smart way to free up your time and focus on what really matters.

How Delegation Boosts Productivity (The Multiplier Effect)

   Delegation is the best way for businesses to get more done. You can get back a lot of time that you would have spent on administrative tasks, data entry, organizing, or answering customer service calls by giving repeated, low-value tasks to skilled team members or virtual assistants.

   According to a study by Upwork, entrepreneurs can save an average of 10 hours per week, or more than 500 hours per year, by embracing outsourcing. If you had more time to plan, network, grow your business, or simply relax and prevent burnout, imagine what you could accomplish.

Finding Your Dream Team: Strategies for Building a Reliable Virtual Workforce

   To experience the full benefits of delegation, you’ll need to assemble a reliable and skilled team, whether it’s virtual assistants, freelancers, or remote employees.

Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Define your needs: Make it clear what tasks or roles you want to give to other people and what skills they will need to do them well.
  • Leverage online platforms: Sites like Upwork, Fiverr, and give you access to a global pool of skilled virtual workers in many fields.
  • Do a full background check: Set up a thorough screening process to check prospects’ skills, experience, and fit with the company’s culture.
  • Provide clear instructions: Invest time in teaching and ensuring everyone understands the expectations to ensure effective teamwork and high-quality work.

Task Allocation and Management: Delegation Mastery

Delegation is more than just passing off tasks; it requires a planned method to ensure responsibility and successful completion. Follow these steps one at a time:


  1. Identify Delegable Tasks: Examine your tasks and determine which ones, based on their complexity, routine nature, and whether they align with your core strengths, are suitable for delegation. Repetitive busywork or tasks not requiring your expertise are great for delegation.
  2. Choose the right person: Match each delegated task to the team member or virtual assistant with the right skills, experience, and availability. Don’t assign randomly; put thought into the best fit.
  3. Provide Clear Instructions: Document specific instructions on the desired outcome, deadlines, and any necessary resources. Clear instructions upfront will avoid confusion later.
  4. Set Up Checkpoints: Have progress updates or interim milestones to monitor and course-correct if needed before issues arise.
  5. Give Feedback and Support: Provide constructive feedback and additional guidance as required for successful completion.
  6. Show Appreciation: Recognize great work with praise, bonuses, shout-outs, etc. Positive reinforcement builds an engaged team.

   Using tools like Asana, Trello, or ClickUp to handle tasks more efficiently can help you be more open and work together more easily with your virtual team.

The Art of Letting Go: Overcoming the Fear of Delegation

   However, many businesses still find it hard to let go and trust others with important tasks, even when they know the benefits and tactics. To get over this fear, try these things:


  1. Start Small: Start delegating tasks with less risk by doing them yourself first. You can slowly give your team more as they show they can do it.
  2. Accept Imperfections: Don’t always expect things to be perfect. Pay attention to the general quality and worth instead of the small details.
  3. Foster accountability: Set up a way to keep track of work and hold people accountable, but don’t micromanage. It’s crucial to monitor activities without becoming overly involved.
  4. Train Your Team: Train your team well to set them up for success. Giving full information and tools up front makes performance better.
  5. Celebrate Your Wins: Give praise, cash, and other rewards for good work. Celebrations of wins keep people on the team interested and inspired.
  6. Take a team approach: While remaining properly concerned, delegate. When jobs are fair and communication is open, you can use the skills of others to help you focus on what’s most important. 


   Don’t forget that sharing doesn’t mean giving up your job. It means giving your team more responsibility and letting them use their skills to help the group succeed.

Success Stories: Entrepreneurs Who Scaled with Delegation

   Don’t take our word for it; many great businesses have used outsourcing to grow and achieve work-life balance.

These examples should give you ideas:


Dave Pere

   Val replaced the VA that didn’t worked, NO QUESTION ASKED! I’m a big fan of how easy it is to work with them!

Adam Whitney

Adam Whitney

BlackJack Real Estate

   We hired a bunch of cold callers and that made us $110,000 and it was because we got VAs who were trained. You’ll never find another company that has this kind of service.


Jon Lallande

American Home Acquisitions

   We were having no luck hiring on our own, and getting good candidate for about a month. I’m with my new VA from HireTrainVA now, and I cannot be happier.

   There’s more to delegating tasks than just getting more done. These companies knew that it was smart to do so because it helped them use their time and energy more efficiently, which led to long-term growth and success.

The Delegation Roadmap: A Step-by-Step Guide for Busy Entrepreneurs

   Are you ready to use the power of sharing to help you succeed as an entrepreneur?

   As a guide, here are the steps you need to take:

  1. Time Reality Check: Make a list of all your tasks and tag them as either high-priority, low-priority, or delegable.
  2. Define Delegation and Needs: Based on your time audit, pick out specific jobs or tasks to share and make a list of the skills needed.
  3. Find Trained Virtual Assistant: Skip the freelancer search and hire a trained, professional Virtual Assistant from Hire Train VA. Our rigorous screening ensures the perfect match for your business needs.
  4. Onboarding Correctly: Thoroughly train new employees by explaining processes, setting standards, and making sure they understand.
  5. Systematize delegation: To stay organized, use online tools to give out tasks, keep track of progress, and share news.
  6. Check-In Often: Ask your team for feedback on your sharing methods on a regular basis and make changes based on what they say.
  7. Thank them for their work: To keep your team inspired, praise, reward, and enjoy their work often.


   Remember that sharing is a process. Finding the right rhythm and balance may require some time and adjustments, but the benefits of increased productivity, growth potential, and a healthy work-life balance make the effort worthwhile.

Conclusion: Delegation is Important for Any Entrepreneur.

Valentina Brega
Free Strategy Call

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   Let us write your business’s growth story by offering innovative, scalable and result-driven IT solutions. Do you have an idea that has the potential to bring a change in the world? Don’t hesitate. Share with our experts and we will help you to achieve it.

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