Personality Tests for VAs: Find Perfect Virtual Assistants

by | Aug 7, 2024

If you’re in the process of hiring a virtual assistant (VA), you probably know how challenging it can be to find the perfect fit. One of the best tools at your disposal is personality tests. They’re like a secret weapon, offering insights into who your candidates really are. So, let’s dive into how you can use these tests to hire the best virtual assistant for your needs.


Why Personality Tests Are Your VA Hiring Superpower?

Personality tests are more than just a fun quiz you might take online. They provide valuable insights into how someone thinks, behaves, and interacts with others. When you’re hiring a VA, understanding these aspects can make a big difference in finding someone who not only gets the job done but also fits well with your team and culture.

6 Game-Changing Personality Tests for VA Hiring Success

Let’s explore some of the popular personality tests that can help you make an informed hiring decision. I am not sponsored by any of these tests, so this is purely educational content. Don’t worry—I’ll keep it simple and to the point!

1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI): Decoding Your VA’s Mindset

The MBTI is all about understanding how people perceive the world and make decisions. It categorizes individuals into 16 personality types based on their preferences. For example, do they gain energy from being around people (Extraversion) or being alone (Introversion)? Are they more practical (Sensing) or imaginative (Intuition)?

    • Why It’s Useful: Knowing your VA’s MBTI type can help you understand how they process information and make decisions, which is crucial for task management. For instance, an ISTJ—Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, and Judging—might excel at handling administrative tasks that require meticulous attention to detail and adherence to schedules.
    • How It Works: The test involves a series of questions about preferences in various scenarios, from decision-making to social interactions. It helps pinpoint which of the 16 personality types they align with.
    • Cost: It typically costs between $50 and $150, but there are free versions available online that can give you a quick overview. While the free versions provide a basic idea, the paid assessments offer detailed insights and reports.

2. DiSC Assessment: Uncover Your VA’s Work Style

The DiSC test looks at four main traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. It helps you understand how someone might behave in a team setting and approach tasks.

    • Why It’s Useful: If you need a VA who pays attention to detail and works independently, someone scoring high in Conscientiousness might be your best bet. This test is particularly useful for understanding how a potential VA might interact within a team and approach tasks.
    • How It Works: Candidates respond to statements that reflect their behavior and attitudes. The results help you see which of the four traits are most dominant, guiding you on how they might contribute to your team dynamics.
    • Cost: DiSC assessments usually range from $60 to $100. Keep an eye out for bulk discounts if you’re testing multiple candidates. These assessments are easy to administer and can provide a quick read on candidate behavior.

3. Enneagram: Dive Deep into Your VA’s Motivations

The Enneagram explores nine personality types, focusing on motivations and emotional responses. It’s great for understanding what drives a candidate and how they handle stress.

    • Why It’s Useful: If you’re looking for a VA who thrives in a dynamic environment, someone who scores as a Type 3 (The Achiever) could be ideal. This type tends to be success-oriented and adaptable, which is excellent for fast-paced roles.
    • How It Works: The test involves introspective questions that help identify which of the nine types they most align with, offering insights into their core motivations and potential challenges.
    • Cost: The test costs between $20 and $60, with free versions available that offer basic insights. Free versions can give a general sense of type, while paid versions provide a deeper dive into their behavior patterns.

4. Big Five Personality Traits: The Scientific Approach to VA Personality

This test evaluates five major traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. It’s comprehensive and gives a good overview of how someone might behave at work.

    • Why It’s Useful: If creativity and problem-solving are important for the role, look for a candidate with high Openness. This test is highly regarded for its ability to predict job performance and team fit.
    • How It Works: Candidates rate how much they agree or disagree with various statements, allowing you to gauge their personality across these five dimensions. It’s known for its scientific rigor and broad application.
    • Cost: The Big Five assessments cost between $20 and $100, depending on the depth of the report. Free versions can provide a quick overview, making it accessible for a preliminary screening.

5. Predictive Index (PI): Forecast Your VA’s Performance

The Predictive Index helps you understand a candidate’s behavioral drives and cognitive abilities. It focuses on traits like dominance and patience.

    • Why It’s Useful: It’s great for assessing fit for specific roles and predicting how a candidate might interact with others. This tool is particularly useful for tailoring roles to match a candidate’s natural inclinations, enhancing job satisfaction and performance.
    • How It Works: The assessment involves two simple lists of adjectives, where candidates choose the words they feel describe them. It quickly maps their behavioral style.
    • Cost: Pricing can range from $250 to $500 annually for small teams, as part of a package deal. It’s a more substantial investment but provides robust insights into team dynamics and role fit.

6. Culture Index: Ensure Your VA Aligns with Your Company Values

This tool assesses how a candidate’s work style aligns with your company culture. It’s excellent for predicting fit and enhancing team productivity.

    • Why It’s Useful: Perfect for aligning candidate values with your team’s culture. By understanding a candidate’s cultural fit, you can ensure they align with your company’s values and long-term goals.
    • How It Works: Candidates complete a survey about their work preferences and behaviors, providing a profile that helps predict how they will perform within your organization’s culture.
    • Cost: The subscription can range from $3,000 to $10,000 per year, making it a significant investment for optimizing talent acquisition. While expensive, it’s ideal for companies looking to refine their hiring strategy for long-term success.

Mastering the Art: Integrating Personality Tests into Your VA Hiring Process

Now that you know the basics, how do you use these tests when hiring a VA? Start by defining what traits are most important for the role. Then, select one or two tests that align with those characteristics.

When you administer these tests, be transparent with candidates about why you’re using them. Use the results to guide your interview questions and discussions, helping you delve deeper into how a candidate’s traits play out in real-world scenarios.

Final Thoughts: Your Path to VA Hiring Success

Remember, personality tests are just one part of the hiring process. They’re a tool to help you make informed decisions, not the sole deciding factor. Encourage candidates to share their thoughts on their test results and how these relate to their experiences.

Incorporating personality tests into your hiring process can lead to more successful hires and a more harmonious team. For more latest blog updates, follow on LinkedIn and Facebook pages.

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